Committee of Recommendation

  • Prof. dr. ir. H. Bijl
    rector magnificus at the Leiden University
  • Prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker
    oud-rector magnificus at the Leiden University
  • Prof. mr. P.F. van der Heijden
    oud-rector magnificus at the Leiden University
  • Prof. dr. D.D. Breimer
    oud-rector magnificus at the Leiden University
  • Prof. dr. L. Leertouwer
    oud-rector magnificus at the Leiden University
  • H.J.J. Lenferink
    mayor of Leiden
  • Prof. mr. P. van Vollenhoven
    member of the royal house
  • N. van der Meel
    tenor and choir conductor
  • O. Tausk
  • Anna Equist
    writer and poet